Friday, September 9, 2016

Tim Meyers DH Definition

Digital Humanities, or DH, is ultimately the combination of the study of the interactions of humans and how different types of technology incorporate themselves into these interactions. Whereas in the past, technology has simply been viewed as a type of media to exchange information from point A to point B, it has now embedded itself in the everyday lives of human beings. Technology, which is also digital, meaning zeros and ones in the binary code, can produce vast arrays of forms of art or different methods or modes of communication. Not only does it encompass the method of how we, as humans, interact with one another, but it also uncovers a sort of evolution of the way that society passes ideas. Different cultures may adopt new ideas or improve on their methods, for example, because of something that they saw through a digital medium. Whereas in the past, come cultures or ways of life may have been isolated and separated from the rest of the world, they now have a broad spectrum of opportunities to either adopt some of the characteristics of some other culture from across the globe, or they may also immerse themselves in the way of life of some other sort of culture, completely abandoning their entire way of life. With Digital Humanities, we, as a human race, now have the opportunity to expand our horizons in such a way that just from a simple work of literature that may be posted online, we can influence the way that other humans interact from tens of thousands of miles away.

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