My final paper is about how important hyperlinks are for this class and everyday life. Throughout the paper, the history, examples, and future of hyperlinks will be addressed. Hyperlinks are something that we used a lot in this class, and they stood out as a very important aspect to take away from this c
lass. My original work of electronic literature relates to the importance of hyperlinks by presenting the 14 weeks with their hyperlinks and materials from the course. The 14 weeks are represented as the building blocks of digital humanities. As one explores the Prezi, they will gain a recap of the important topics of this class, and an analysis of what I took away from each week. After creating and displaying my multimedia component in class, I walked around to view the work of my classmates.
During the last couple days of Digital Humanities, we spent the time in class collaborating our ideas and viewing each other's multimedia components. All of the pieces that I looked at were very interesting. However, the two that I was most interested in were actually two of my tribe members. The first one related to a bot, and it showed how bots are becoming more present in today's society.
The example on the Prezi was how bots can be used to automatically fill in important information from emergency responder calls. The bots will act as documentation assistance for the busy first responders who put their lives on the line each and every day. The second multimedia component that I viewed focused on sampling and repurposing. They took multiple different parts of a jazz songs and merged them together to create a whole new work of art. In class we talked about this and the question of who owns the new work?? I was confused about this question until I saw it first hand, and now it is clear that the new author is the one who should be given ownership of work. The individual told me about all of the time and effort they put into working on this piece, and after hearing the original piece versus the second, you cold tell it was a completely different song. This is actually something we hear everyday on the radio. Artists are always taking sections of other songs and working it into their own work, and it wasn't until this class that I got to see the repurposing being done first hand.
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