Thursday, December 15, 2016

Social Media's Effects on its Users

The final project for digital humanities consisted of a brief presentation that summarized what I wanted to write about. For this part of the project, I created a Prezi because of its user-friendly and interactive nature. My project is essentially about social media and how it affects its users.

Every day, millions of people use outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Different demographics are a part of this, but I really tried to focus on comparing and contrasting younger people with older age groups to show the differences in effects.

Older demographics are drawn more towards Facebook because it is so user-friendly, and because of this, the younger demographic on Twitter and Instagram is much larger. Twitter, an immediate news-sharing website, and Instagram, a photo and video-sharing website, draw in younger groups because of their instantaneous media sharing. Here is a link to my project.


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